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Questions our clients ask us

Some people recommend that the filter should be changed every 30 days, some others recommend that it be changed every 3 months, but the truth is that it depends on the use that is given to the air conditioning system, and the quality of the filter or filters. . For some it may be a period of 30 days, for others it may be 3 months or up to 6 months. That's why we have several quality options when it comes to filtering the air.

At least twice a year. Once during the spring before summer, and once during the fall before winter to ensure that the system is operating in optimal conditions for the high temperature season and also for the very low temperature season.

This depends on several factors. 1. The age of the system, 2. The efficiency of the system and 3. The cost of repair. For example, if the system is more than 12 years old and the cost of repair exceeds 30% of the cost of a new system, we know that it is time to replace the system.